Engineering Services

We engineer retaining walls so that you can plan, build, and maintain them with confidence.

Small Wall Engineering

Available in Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin
$ 499 for residential walls <6' in height and <75' in length
  • Signed and sealed drawings for residential permitting
  • Product specific installation details
  • Turnaround in 3 days or less*

Retaining Wall Engineering

Available in Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin
$ 750 minimum or $0.55/ sq. ft. for most wall systems
  • Signed and sealed drawings and calculations
  • Project specific details
  • Turnaround in 7 days or less*


Talk with a retaining wall expert!
$ 200/hr rounded to the minute*
  • Help determine what is involved in your retaining wall project.
  • Call with an expert to answer any questions about your retaining wall project.
  • If you proceed with engineered drawings, hourly consulting call fee will be applied to engineering drawing fee.

Types of Retaining Walls We Specialize In:

*Due to the varying block/panel types for these systems, our price is $0.65/sq. ft.

**Pricing varies for these systems due to their complexity, but generally start at $0.90/sq. ft.


Detailed Typical Sections

Obstructions Clearly Identified

Rockery Walls

Clear Detailing

Looking for a detailed tutorial on how to plan, estimate and build a retaining wall? Checkout our courses! We have put together all the information you need through lessons, videos, helpful links, material lists and even drawing programs for your specific wall type.

DIY Retaining Wall®

DIY Retaining Wall® - Block Walls: Helping you with all steps of planning and building your own retaining wall using segmental concrete blocks

$12.99 ($5.89 Kindle)

If you are planning to build a retaining wall utilizing segmental concrete blocks, check out our book on Amazon! It is a step-by-step guide for every step in completing a non-engineered segmental block retaining wall. Segmental block retaining walls are by far the easiest for a DIYer.

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